From January 2015

Happy Birthday Manzanilla

December 15th 1964, marks a special date for sherry lovers and the fan base of Andalucian wines. 50 years ago the town of Sanlucar de Barrameda was accredited its own Denomination of Origin, called D.O. “Manzanilla – Sanlucar de Barrameda”, specifying manufacturing methods and the area wherein the wines have to be processed and aged.

Sharing the overall production zone and surveillance of the same Consejo Regulador, many similarities with other types of sherry are to be found. Still, due to geographical and climatic peculiarities, alongside century old tradition and craft heritage, it is there –where the Guadalquivir meets the Atlantic Ocean, that the wines develop a unique character not to be found anywhere else in the world.


Read more @ Factotum Fortified,

A wee glass of Aberlour-Glenlivet


„Distilled at Aberlour-Glenlivet“ prangt auf dem Flaschenetikett, fast wehmütig die Erinnerungen an Drams längst vergangener Zeiten, als Destillerien noch den Beinamen „Glenlivet“ verwendeten, um sich mit Federn des Weltruhms zu schmücken. Für neunzehn Jahre gereift, liest man weiters, ebenso den sportlichen Alkoholgehalt von über 52% – die Speichelproduktion auf Hochtouren, erstes Zungen-Aquaplaning. Doch wir wollen nicht voreilig sein und halten einmal dezent Nase und Lippen ins Glas.

Hier die komplette Verkostungsnotiz zu dem Dram

A good year…

While some people find it challenging to remember what happened the day before, others still recall former glories and quirky details from long ago. A little time lapse and the peculiarities of your 19s or 20s something! Maybe you were born in 1980. Maybe you finished high school in 1998, the year when the French football team won the World Championship in their own country. Maybe you got your university degree in 2003, whilst 2009 saw your marriage and in 2011 your first child made you happier than anything before.

Read more at this “Factotum Fortified” article!